Hendrick’s Gin is a delightfully unique creation crafted from 11 botanicals, artfully infused with rose and cucumber to deliver an impeccably smooth and distinct flavour. This unusual gin balances lightness with complexity, resulting in a floral, refreshing profile that enhances any gin cocktail or occasion.
A Unique Production Process
Hendrick’s Gin is made through a curious and glorious dual-distillation process. Two separate gins are crafted: one from a traditional pot still, yielding a rich and intricate spirit, and another from a Carter Head still, producing a delicate and refined counterpart. The two are then harmoniously blended and infused with the signature essences of rose and cucumber, creating Hendrick’s unmistakable character.
Tasting Notes
•Aroma: Floral and refreshing with hints of rose.
•Flavour: Light and complex, with botanical richness and a subtle touch of cucumber.
Volume: 700ml
ABV: 41.4%
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